Bentley LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse Help

Property Panel

This panel displays a wealth of information about a selected entity and allows a user to edit a number of different parameters of the object. The parameters in this window are relative to the selected entity. For example cameras have different properties listed than a light or an imported static mesh.

Edit Parameters

  • Which information is presented here is largely user defined because of the extensibility of USD
  • Direct Edit
    • A user can type numerical values directly into a field by double clicking (or Alt + click) in the field
    • A user can also click on the field and drag to adjust the value
Note: Some scenes can be very taxing and makes selection of fields difficult. The modifier of "Alt" when selecting fields can be helpful in these cases as it acts as a double click.


Kinds in LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse offers help in organizing data and can assist in correct selection

Option Description
Sub Component An identified, important "sub part" of a component model
Group Models that simply group other models
Component A "leaf model" that can contain no other models
Assembly An important group model, often a published asset or reference to a published asset